Monday, December 31, 2007

Christmas is over

And what a fine Christmas it was (and still is, if you count lingering leftovers)! Here's my final word on really feeling the spirit of Christmas and experiencing it's joy.

It was Christmas Eve and we were ready. The only reason that we had gone to the Shopping Center was to grab lunch and pick up one more item for Christmas Dinner. The guy parked across the aisle from us was obviously not done, however; he was kneeling down beside his car, struggling to wrap a large package there on the pavement. He had his newly purchased adhesive tape, his newly purchased wrapping paper and his newly purchased gift, but kneeling on a parking lot is not the most suitable wrapping area, and he was struggling. Really struggling.

Just as I asked Mom "Where is the camera when you need it?" he disgustedly picked up the partially-wrapped package, threw it into his car, jumped in and and squealed his tires all the way to the exit!

I hope your Christmas was merrier.

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