Monday, September 15, 2008

Too tempting?

Barbara: "Why do you keep your second pillow up covering your face?"

Me: "It's not really covering my face; it's just in front of my face."

Barbara: "Well, from my perspective, it's covering your face."

Me: "I started keeping it up there thinking it might help the noise from my breathing and wheezing when I sleep. You're always talking about how loud my breathing is."

Barbara: "It doesn't work, you know."

Me: (shrug)

Barbara: "You might want to think about that - that's a very tempting position for your pillow. Just a little pressure..."


Sarah said...

Forget worrying about the snoring -- sounds like you need to learn how to sleep with one eye open! It's never dull at your house, is it? :-)

pat said...

There's been a headline on the CNN website recently that says, "Married but sleeping alone." I haven't explored this further but in your case it might not be a bad idea! Or should I say, a life saving measure!