Monday, January 5, 2009

We got Finches!

I mentioned some time back that on a whim we put out a sock-type feeder that's supposed to attract Finches. Like the Owl House, this turned out to be a well-intentioned but fruitless exercise. No Finches came to our feeder. My sister mentioned that she sees Finches in the Spring, so we sat back to patiently wait.

Right after Christmas, I looked up and there were four brightly-colored Finches feeding away! I immediately set out to get a photo of these colorful little birds, but Finches are very camera shy. I tried sitting motionless on the patio for what seemed like hours (okay, very long minutes), but they wouldn't come while I was there. I tried opening the patio door a little and lurking there in the opening, but they weren't buying that either. Mom can stand in the room and fill the frame with her zoom lens, but that's a film camera, and I wasn't interested in blowing an entire roll of film on four little birds, so the battle continues. In the mean time, here's a nice photo from the Internet of somebody else's Finches.

Then I became interested in just what type of Finches these were. After eliminating Goldfinches (ours are more chartreuse) and House Finches (ours are more colorful), I decided they were Lesser Finches. Hmmm. Some neighborhood; we don't get Greater Finches, or even Plain Finches; we get Lesser Finches. Sort of like this church we go by that I have dubbed as being named after "Albert the Adequate." Maybe we should get the City to outlaw Lesser Finches, sort of like Farmer's Branch did illegal aliens. That should work.

Meantime, I'm off to stalk the elusive Finch. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

pat said...

I was going to be very jealous of your finches when I saw the picture - actually I am jealous that you have finches now. I only have a red-headed woodpecker at the moment.