Friday, July 24, 2009

Oh, what a green thumb he has!

I previously mentioned the lovely orchid that sits in the corner of the living room. It's blooms were gorgeous for weeks, but eventually fell away, as expected. The information says that one should now patiently watch for signs of a new branch.

So I patiently watched. And watched. And watched. And then one day, lo and behold, I detected new growth! There is a smallish branch growing on the stem - new orchid blooms on the way!

Take a look:

So, do you see any problem with this smallish branch?

That's right. It's on the bamboo support stick - not the orchid stem.

Hey! New growth is new growth. If I can get a stick to grow, surely I can get blooms on an orchid.


pat said...

Watch that bamboo - it'll take over the house!

Julie said...

Ah ha ha. That's funny. I was right there with you on the new growth thing. Pity.