Monday, December 14, 2009

Monday Meanderings - Dec 14

Yes! Sunshine! It has been such a dreary week.

At the gas station the other day the guy across from me was filling a plastic gas can. A friend of his hailed him and asked what was up. "I ran out of gas." was his reply. "Do you need a lift?" the friend asked. "No, there's my truck right there." and pointed to a pick up in the driveway with its rear end just sticking out into the street. Seems he could have pushed it that far.

I got a Certificate of Appreciation from Reading For The Blind organization recently. It seems that my participation with that group now totals more than 250 hours. Wow. At 2 hours a pop that's 125 sessions. That's also about 5000 pages read.

I have two words: Cowboys, December, sigh. No, that last is not one of the words. It's me sighing in disgust once again.

I stepped out to get the mail the other afternoon and found this bad boy sitting on a branch over the driveway. He (or she) was pretty calm as I went back for the camera and even when I walked (nervously) under the limb to get the mail. This is a Red Shouldered Hawk - not a rare bird, but not often seen this far west. It is a big bird, measuring a little better than a foot from the branch to the top of the head. I can't exactly add it to my list of birds at the feeder. Maybe it should go down as birds feeding on birds at the feeder.

1 comment:

pat said...

Your picture of the Hawk is better than the ones on the iBird Explorer App.