Monday, December 21, 2009

Monday Meanderings - Dec 21

This past Saturday was the Cousins Christmas get-together. This is the evolution of Christmas with my parents - then Christmas with the children of my parents - and someday Christmas with the grandchildren of my parents. It's a great get-together, primarily thanks to my brother and sister, who do the heavy lifting needed to pull this off. Thanks.

I truly believe that every car registered in the State of Texas (and some from Oklahoma) was on IH-35 on Saturday. Several times we experienced the unique state of slowing to a total stop in the middle of nowhere; sometimes because of the presence of an emergency vehicle, sometimes for no reason we could ascertain.

I'll be the first to admit that Central Texas is not known as a travel destination to see Fall color in the trees of the region, but here and there we are treated to touches of color that give us a small sense of satisfaction. Some years are better than others, depending on rainfall and the date of the first freeze, among other things. So after a watering-restricted heavy drought summer and an early hard freeze, we really didn't expect much this year, but we've been amazed. There are hundreds of astoundingly colorful trees along our route and when the sun is shining brightly, as it has been the last couple of days we have been doing a lot of ooh-ing  and ahh-ing.

From time to time I have seen a gentleman volunteering at the RFB&D studios who, by his appearance, looks like... um... well, a homeless person. The other day I asked about him and he indeed is a homeless person, who has more than 800 hours in volunteer time! He comes in regularly when things are going well - but disappears periodically when his particular demons prevail. Remarkable.

Sorry, I had to add the funky word verification thingy to comments. Some spammer now has me on a list and has slammed me for the last few blogs with ads for phony stock offerings (or worse). Hopefully this is some automated process and can't get past the word thingy.

Do you suppose, if you get a Christmas card from your favorite eating place, it means you go there too often? No, I didn't think so.

Unbeknownst to most theologians, there was a fourth wise man, who was turned away for bringing a fruitcake.

And here is interesting examples of elevator door art. Barb brought this first set to my attention - a mural near the elevator in a plastic surgeon's office that casts the rider in the role of Adam on the Sistine Chapel:

  And this one is courtesy of a divorce lawyer (click on the picture to see the whole thing):


pat said...

I always wondered what the purpose of "thingys" was.

Julie said...

I of course understand why you had to put the word verification thingy on there, but I must admit that it is troublesome to me because for some reason I have some reason getting them correct. I suppose I can blame my new glasses or my sometimes-lacking test-taking skills, but they kind of stress me out a little bit. Here I go, though - I'll give it a try.