Monday, December 7, 2009

Monday Meanderings - Dec 7 (2nd Edition)

I guess it's no secret that I write these blogs ahead and schedule them for future posting, Certainly not now that this Monday Meandering escaped into the wild last Thursday. Made a break for it, as it were. So this is the NEW, REVISED, MUCH-IMPROVED version of that premature missive! Interestingly, if you use Google Reader to keep up with your blogs, the old version is still out there, even though I immediately deleted it from BlogSpot.

On the occasion of the 22nd Anniversary of my association with RSI,  I got a card signed by all my fellow workers. Most wrote little platitudes of congratulations; John, the owner, wrote "Is Barbara ever going to let you come home?" Hmmm

As I was leaving the house the other morning a dog sled came whizzing by. Now I know some of you have seen snow over the last week, but you know that we have not. And the dogs were not pulling a sled exactly, it was a bicycle-sized scooter (think child's scooter with bike wheels). Three good-sized (but not huge) dogs were harnessed to this scooter, pulling it and some guy with bugs on his teeth at a really good clip. I love Austin.

Friday night (yes, the day of the epic non-blizzard of '09) I had to go run sound for the annual Westover Preschool Christmas program. As far as I'm concerned, this event is an hour and a half that I'll never get back. For the hundred or so parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. it is a holiday photo opportunity. I just wish I had the cash that went for cameras and video recorders that were in that room.

I wore my Santa hat because Baby It's cold out there (what would you expect after a non-blizzard?) but when I walked in the door a little boy took one look at me, tuned up, and went screaming for Mama. I guess he's had a bad Santa experience. I'll bet the Santa did too.

And on Saturday morning after a hard freeze, we had a leaf fall. When the sun came up and warmed the leaves still remaining in the trees in our neighborhood, they all agreed it was time to let go and leaves were just showering down, even though there was no breeze. A very striking sight.

And I leave you with a cute, but surprised kitten.

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