Monday, January 11, 2010

Monday Meanderings - Jan 11

Okay, Uncle! I give! Enough of this below freezing weather. There's a reason we live in Texas, folks - and the  more southerly portion, at that. Call me a wuss, but I like my temperatures above freezing. Just so grateful that there was no moisture with this arctic chill.

He said -- moaning and complaining after a long day at work doing tedious system documentation -- "I don't want to do this anymore."
She said -- in a loving, compassionate response -- "Ok. Tell them that you are not going to do that any more - as long as you have something else that keeps you out of the house all day."

Just in case you don't go back and check older blogs for what others may have commented - like I usually don't - here's what our friend Cynthia had to say about "The Owl is Back!" -- "Only goes to show, your nest is never really empty." Well said.

For the record, if I'm ever in London and lost my wallet / get held up at gunpoint / need emergency care - you might get an international collect phone call from me but I go on record right now as saying you won't get an email! Check out Jason's last couple of blogs for his trauma with hackers.

Went to a Lady Longhorn game this weekend. I'm not saying this was perhaps our worst game ever, but when we left, instead of handing out coupons for free chicken wings - like they do whenever we win - they made us give some back!

Follow-up to my comments about Colt in my last blog. Yes, he was at church Sunday. And the worship minister (interviewed in the news video) said his neighbor told him that he saw the news interview, and then he saw Colt's post game interview and he wanted to know more about what Colt meant about basing his life on the Rock.  And the woman who produced the news video visited services Sunday.   

And I leave you with another of example of Why women live longer than men. If these two actually get Baby home safely, the Mom is going to kill Hubby and his friend when they pull into the driveway.

1 comment:

pat said...

I agree with you about the cold. I actually stayed home three whole days in a row. I was having fast food and restaurant withdrawal. Remedied that yesterday at Cheddars.