Monday, January 18, 2010

Monday Meanderings - Jan 18

And a good MLK Day to you. For me it means the RFB&D studios are closed, so I get the day off. However, I'm off most days, I'm informed.

Couple of bumper stickers noticed recently: one said "Midwives help people out." The other was the familiar pink ribbon sticker, but the message said, "Save the Ta-Tas."

Actually, a little Google investigation revealed that the second item is one of several humorous products offered by  a non-profit foundation by the same name. For the sake of decorum, I'll let you explore that link yourselves, if you so choose.

From Barb:  The other morning I was looking for some things and pulled down a box from the top of my closet.  When I looked in the box, I discovered it was full of things I'd thrown into a box to put in scrapbooks, etc. at some later time.  I was proud of myself for giving their own boxes of that type thing to Rob and Julie over the holidays (Julie, yours is on its way with UPS.) so my first thought was I'll just take this straight to recycling.  But then I started digging through it and began finding things like the program from our national championship and the guest book from the reception at First Presbyterian when I left there.  Bob, who was waiting to go to breakfast, finally said,  "Bilbo, the ring!  It's still in your pocket!"  So, sighing, I disposed of the box in the recycling container.  

See, all those hours of watching LOTR came in handy. By the way, Mom was expressing some hesitation about forcing all that memorabilia on the kids; I reminded her that they were going to have to sort it out sooner or later.

We had a cold snap here recently. Really cold - down to 19 degrees, which seldom happens here. Of course the media was full of the usual "save your pipes" advice, including getting those foam covers to insulate your outdoor faucets. I guess our neighbor didn't have time to get to Home Depot, so she improvised. Any boot in a freeze, you might say:


pat said...

I kept hearing people say that Home Depot and the other hardware stores were out of the covers. Love the boot!

Sarah said...

We in Abilene had people lamenting on the news the lack of pipe covers, as well. Yours seemed to serve its purpose and made me laugh out loud, though it looks like you got really fed up with someone who didn't finish a job on the construction of your house on time so you just bricked him right up.