Monday, March 15, 2010

Monday Meanderings - Mar 15

Phew! We survived the confluence of Pi Day (3.14) and Daylight Savings time. I'm surprised no one made a big disaster movie, like 2012 (the last year of the Mayan calendar). We celebrated with a free slice of pie at - where else? - Marie Callenders.

Ran into Jeff and Jackie the other evening. Jeff was the Youth Minister at Brentwood who introduced Trek to the youth of Brentwood (and to our family). If you are unfamiliar with Trek, it is a camping outing in Colorado culminated by climbing to the top of a 14,000 foot plus mountain. It is the Death Climb - not to be confused with the Death March. Jeff said he was going as a parent/chaperon this summer. That should be an interesting experience for him - - and for the current Youth Minister.

Update on my 1st airplane ride - I mentioned that I couldn't remember going anywhere specifically. Turns out, according to an old newspaper clipping, we flew from Breckenridge to Abilene and back!  Now that means that the airline of record for that era - Trans Texas Airways (also known as Tree Top Airlines, Tinker Toy Airlines and Try, Try Again Airlines) stopped in Breck at one time. That seems so unlikely now that it is probably the reason I couldn't remember. I've searched a lot of Internet trying to prove TTA once served Breckenridge but have no proof yet.  BTY, I also ran across a picture of Bill and a young girl in a wheelchair on the occasion of the March of Dimes flights at Meacham Field that Pat referred to in her comment.

Saw quite a display of wildflowers along the road on the trip to Port A - but no bluebonnets. The word is that we should have a spectacular wildflower showing this year, but they are much later than usual. I finally saw a few token bluebonnets this Saturday. If there are no bluebonnets where you are, you can check out the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center Bluebonnet Cam (assuming they finally bloom there). By the way, if the screen is black it's because the sun is down in Austin. Now who couldn't figure out a thing like that? Umm, well.

Inanimate animal #1 - The other day we were enjoying the lunch special at Tres Amigos when we heard something that sounded like...well, like cats being strangled! Sort of a Meower-urk-urk-urk! Turned out to be the tortilla machine. Every time someone ordered a dish that came with fresh tortillas we were treated to a chorus of Meower-urk-urk-urks for each tortilla made.  Sort of took the edge off an excellent dish of chicken? enchiladas.

Inanimate animal #2 - Same day, on the way to church on jammed Braker Lane we kept hearing a dog bark. Turns out that every time the panel truck beside us braked it made a barking sound. Didn't affect my appetite, however.

On the subject of animals, I struggled to come up with a caption for this picture - other than Yikes! How 'bout it? What title would you give this picture?

1 comment:

Cynthia Agnell said...

Lunch? or Look at the pretty kitty. Like so many things it all depends on your perspective,