Monday, March 1, 2010

Monday Meanderings - March 1

Clear sky flying to and from Fresno afforded sweeping vistas of...snow. As far as you could see as we crossed parts of New Mexico, northern Arizona, Colorado, Utah, Nevada and California - snow, snow and more snow. And that's not where it has snowed the most this winter. The Nebraska baseball players kept looking out the window at DFW, commenting on how green it was. We looked out the same windows and saw nothing but the dead brown of winter. All things are relative - to the amount of snow on your ground.

We were shocked on Friday morning to turn down our street and see that the house on the corner of August and Braker had burned during the night! Rob will remember this house as where the man gave him all the model rockets. We heard a lot of sirens Thursday night, but didn't get the sense it was close to us. That house has been on the market a long, long, long time. If I were the Fire Marshall I would be immediately suspicious. However, the news reported that it had been ruled accidental, caused by a water heater. Who keeps a water heater on in a house that has been empty for two years?

The other night we could hear an owl in the neighborhood. If owls are hooting, they are seeking companionship; pitching "whoo" as it were.That leads to suspicions that our owl motel has become a "No Tell Motel."

Wal Mart had some of those high thread count sheets on sale the other day; Barb bought a set and they sure feel great. The only problem is that if you are not careful you can slide right out of the bed!

I've been reading Pat Conroy's South of Broad. Every time I read Conroy I am reminded that anything I write is "See Dick run" in comparison to his wordcraft - never mind that I have to keep a dictionary by my side. I am also reminded how grateful I am that ours is not like any of the dysfunctional families and characters that fill his pages.

For you coffee drinkers, let me recommend Community Coffee's Cafe Special, my new very most favorite for home coffee. Wal Mart in Austin has Community.

Discovered that Austin has a Curling club. They are making hay with all the interest in Olympic Curling and are having "open" sessions for the next two weekends. Come one, come all. Do you think I.... Nahhh. But it  sure is fun to watch.

And I ran across a great video the other day. Enjoy.