Monday, April 19, 2010

Monday Meandering - April 19

Barb came home from a doctor's visit the other day with a bionic tick taped to her side. It was a small medical device (smaller than a silver dollar) that sampled her blood at some insane frequency, like every 5 seconds, determined her blood sugar level, then recorded an average for some longer period of time - like an hour, then stored it for downloading later. She handled it pretty well. I thought it was kinda creepy.

Chuy's - famous for their t-shirts - has a new one. On the front is a large green chili with a bite taken out of it (ala the Apple logo) and the legend iHungry. On the back it says "We've got an app for that" and the face of an iphone with app logos for Chicken Quesadillas, Chuy Changas, Classic Tex-Mex, Chili Rellenos, etc. Clever.

I got a friend request on Facebook the other evening from someone I didn't recognize by name. That's not all that unusual so I clicked on the person's profile; sometimes I just don't recognize the name, sometimes it is a total stranger who I promptly ignore. On the profile page, the larger picture showed this person to be a babe;  provocatively posed in a Bikini top (or something of that nature). Even though she was a stranger, she looked like someone who might need a friend, but Barb said no. Oh, well.

We got a little behind in viewing the TV programs that we record to watch later. First there was the Olympics, then Men's and Women's Final Four, and some other stuff mixed in there as well. Finally resolved to start catching up - and discovered we have shows dating back to February! Now it's time for NBA playoffs. I just hope we make some headway before World Cup begins. Or when the shows start again next season.

And if you thought you were tough, check out this little guy -


Julie said...

Well, eventually you should run out of recording space, right?

Wow. Bionic tick. I'm glad Mom handled it well - I would have sided on the "slightly creepy" category.

And yes, iHungry - very clever.

Barbara said...

Actually, it records an average every 5 minutes. The only thing that bothered me (I didn't watch when they put it in) was that the tape started itching about 24 hours before it was supposed to come out. Oh, and I had to remove it. Haven't seen the doctor yet to see what we learned from all this.