Monday, August 23, 2010

Monday Meanderings - Aug 23

Update on our waitstaff friends: Erin, our Chuy's waitress, has moved to Korea with her husband, who is in the military. We think this is great news; counseling has evidently benefited this marriage. Julian, our friend with the hiccups is cured. A spoonful of peanut butter will stop them cold, he reports. Since hiccups have driven him to the emergency room on multiple occasions, we guess he knows what he is talking about.

We are focusing on Floodgate Sunday at church. Financially, we make up a normal budget for the year, then fund our "dream" programs with a one-time contribution. Sunday they introduced a wall where we can stick paper cut-outs and symbols that represent the cost of things that we divert to Floodgate - things like that cup of designer coffee, those new shoes, etc. Barb and I are thinking we will give up movies, eating in, and spa treatments.

Ran across a cupcake and ice cream eatery here in Austin named "Lick it, Eat it or Both."

The drought is almost over. Finally there are some mindless, meaningless NFL pre-season games on TV and the real football season is just ahead. Sigh.

She said: "You've got to rotate the shirts you wear. You keep wearing the same 3 blue shirts."

He said: "I like those shirts. They are comfortable."
She said: "You are going to wear them out, and then you'll have to wear other shirts."
He said: "I ordered some more shirts yesterday."
She said: "Let me guess. They are blue, right."
He said: "That's the only color they offer in Big and Squatty sizes."

The Prez came to town the other day. It's really remarkable how much effort goes into a presidential visit. Here's a picture of the secret service climbing the stairs that Obama will use later to deplane, and carefully examining... um, well, the sky.

1 comment:

pat said...

Keep Austin Weird