Monday, July 18, 2011

Monday Meanderings - 7.18.2011

I was really excited when I saw that the visits to this blog shot way up after posting my "Deep thoughts while watching a soccer game." I thought, man, people really liked this blog and they sent the link to all their friends, and their friends liked it, and so forth! It was exciting to see. Then I looked at the Google statistics and saw that the majority of the visits were hits from Google searches for "why was Rachel Buehler suspended" and "Erika Brazil soccer flop" and "how long is Buehler out for her red card" and many other similar questions. Oh well. A little lesson in humility now and then is good for you.

And I'll just say that a penalty kick shootout is a lousy way to end a soccer match. Bring back the Golden Goal.

Speaking of visitors, I just want to say to whoever checked in from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, I swear I thought that I left that extra dosimeter behind after visiting A&M's research reactor those many years ago.

And while we are on the subject of Google, I have mentioned before that I browse through a Google-selected list of blogs, looking for the strange and ludicrous. And I also mentioned that in spite of my efforts to persuade Google otherwise, they sent me lots and lots of horsey blogs. Then they decided that I was interested in weaving and textiles in general and for a while everything dealt with yarns and dying of fabrics and what kind of loom to buy. That's okay. I just ignored all that. But I draw the line at child-birth and midwifery and nursing and such. People! I don't want to see those pictures! So it may be a while before I do another serve-out. Just wanted you to know the reason why.

Early pecan crop. They are all on the ground already; green, about the size of small marbles and just as hard, thanks to the drought.

I told you on Friday that it was an urban legend about the teens in the trunk being surprised when the driver made a complete circle back to the ticket office. But I heard from someone in Breckenridge, my hometown, who swears the following is true:

"Two little old white-headed ladies went to the Coral drive-in. While stopped to pay for their tickets. another car pulled up & ran into the back of their car pretty hard. The little old ladies got quite excited and jumped out to open the trunk, exposing 2 other little old white-headed ladies! When asked what they were doing back there, they said 'We had heard that the young kids do that & we just thought we would have some fun!'" 
Like I said, she swears it's true.

GQ magazine says Austin is only the 18th "Best Dressed" city in the US. That's okay. According to Travel and Leisure magazine Austin is the 8th best "Best Beer" city. It's all about priorities, folks.

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