Monday, February 20, 2012

Monday Meanderings - 2.20.2012

You gotta hate it when you are working on this year's taxes, comparing them to last year's return, and something just doesn't look right - in last year's return! Can you say 1040X?

I have good news and bad news. Leslie, Austin's most iconic street person, is departing for greener pastures. He says he "feels like Austin has forgotten him, and left him behind." He plans to move to Oak Creek, a small town northwest of Denver where he once lived. Where, he said, "I'm loved and respected." Only one problem; he's having trouble buying a train ticket since nowadays they require a photo id.

Over Valentines, I heard radio stations featuring "love songs." Now, just how "loving" the song was depended in part on the genre of music that the station played. There was a distinct difference in the overall messages delivered by the radio station that played Mantovani and the station that featured Merl Haggard. Nevertheless, it got me wondering how many songs were out there with the phrase "Baby, Baby" in the lyrics. Would someone with a 4S iPhone ask Siri for a list of those and share it? Thanks.

 SXSW Interactive starts soon and I'm still waiting on my invitation to address the unlearned in how to become a blogging zen-master. Must be lost in the mail.

Strange week. There was snow on Sunday (well, sort of) and it reached 80 degrees Wednesday. My reverie during my normally peaceful afternoon patio-sitting was interrupted by my neighbor mowing his lawn!

Took my wife out for a movie and dinner on Valentines day. Awwww. Actually, we got invited by some friends to meet them for a movie we were all mutually interested in (we're all fans of the book series this was based on), then Barb and stopped at Paneras for a bite. Hey! That counts! The movie was PG-13; correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't PG stand for Parental Guidance, as in you are supposed to discuss these things with your impressionable young children. Things like, "Mamma, what does *&%-*$%& mean?" Or,  "Dad, get a load of the &%$#@s on that babe!" No wonder we don't go to movies much. Too much explaining to do.

And speaking of Parental Guidance, did you know that if you subscribe to the print issue of Sports Illustrated, you get an e-version on your iPad? And that version comes with extra photos, movies and closeups? Just saying.

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