Monday, March 26, 2012

Monday Meanderings - 3.26.2012

Last week one of the books I was reading at the Learning Ally studio was on selling. One section I read covered the good impression you try to establish in those first few moments of greeting a new contact. It suggested that you take a quick look around the prospect's office and see if there is something that you might use to set a good tone, such as photos, or plaques of commendation etc. The book did caution that you wanted to do this carefully; it cited a real-life instance where the sales person said, "Wow. That's a great picture! How did you become friends with John Madden?" Whereupon the ex-prospect said, "Sir, that's my wife."

Well, the news from the NFL is that Sean Payton has been tossed out of the game, as it were. I wonder if he will - like the coach we saw tossed in youth league play in Morgantown - sit way, way, away from the field and call in instructions by phone to his assistants?

The carpet cleaning saga is almost - but not quite - in the books. The guy was to show up between one and three Thursday afternoon, and about noon the company called and said they were "running really, really late." "Uhhh, how late, because I'm not going to be happy about moving this furniture back and then out of the way again?" "Well, I really can't say but it will be after three." But he came not too terribly long after 3 and did a good job. However. The agreement was that during this process I was also to receive a cleaning kit, for dealing with those messy spills, etc. between cleanings. Home Depot said I would get a kit. The extended warranty go-between gave me a number that I would need for the kit. The Chem Dry people said "What kit?"

Of all the people I've dealt with in this snafu, Chem Dry is the only one that has made half an effort to work with me. The manager said he would drop off some stuff to use at no charge, and that it would be far better than what they have in Home Depot. I go on record as being a Chem Dry fan.

Big hackberry in the back yard did what they do best. Died. Only this one was leaning way over into the neighbor's yard. Going.



And here's a picture I stole from John Acuff - a sign on a church van.

1 comment:

pat said...

My little ''Bramblett apple tree died too. Aaron just pushed it over and cut it up. It's now firewood for the lake.
I liked that little tree. It was shaped pretty and shaded the gazebo. But now I have a crepe myrtle in it's place. Someday it may be big enough for shade. Meanwhile I will enjoy the blooms.