Monday, July 16, 2012

Monday Meanderings - 7.16.2012

Whenever possible, I greet the morning with a cup of coffee on the patio. It's a quiet, peaceful time for me; birds will be singing, occasional hummingbirds come to the feeder, all is well with the world, and every so often the little frog that lives in the crack will scare the bejeebers out of me!
It has to be a tiny frog - the crack between the patio and the foundation is less than an inch across, and there's a spacer board taking up most of that gap - but my, my he ( or she) has a big voice! One BARUMMP! and there's coffee on my shirt again.
Discussing my Pancreatitis with a doctor, and he recalled that when he was pulling ER duty in medical school, on weekends the folks would come rolling in like clockwork, all doubled over in pain after a night of heavy drinking. He said that when he checked their history, often this was the 5th or 6th trip to the ER. He felt like they weren't applying the lessons they were receiving.
Someone needs to come up with a mini-washer just for silverware. That's what we run out of most often. And yes, we did obtain some more silverware; somehow that just adds to the problem.
What with the All-Star break and the dearth of any sports of any kind on TV, it's once again time for our annual Lord of the Rings marathon. Six nights of Hobbits, Elfs, Wizards and Orcs, half a movie a night (remember, each film is more than 4 1/2 hours long).
It's a complicated process getting the TV, DVD player and surround sound system all going, and requires 3 different remote controls. I wrote up a set of detailed instructions so Barb could navigate the intricacies of setting up and watching a movie, and to her credit, she was able to get it all going, but we dont call her Mizz Net for nothing. For the sake of the marriage, I think I'll just handle that duty as needed.
Who says Friday the 13th brings bad luck? On Friday we 1) found a parking space within steps of Walmart's door, 2) got a good cart, and 3) later managed to get in and out of Costco with no hassles even though we shopped there at peak traffic time. Sweet!
Leaving for church yesterday morning we saw what appeared to be a large, ugly dog in the neighbor's front yard. When we got closer we saw that it was a large ugly pig! Not one of these little pot-bellied pigs; this was a full- size porker. No time for pictures or further investigation, but I'm going to be alert for the wafting smell of bacon in the pan.

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