Monday, July 30, 2012

Monday Meanderings - 7.30.2011

Well, the Olympics are underway. I'm not sure I can handle 5,000 plus hours of coverage, not even with the DVR going full blast and streaming video. But I do love me some Olympics.
I saw a news item that said geneticists had been able to evolve Fruit Flys with the ability to count. Dear hearts, the questions that raises are endless. Do they count by stamping their tiny feet? What exactly do they count? Why do this in the first place? The article didn't say, but I'm sure there are some tax dollars involved in this somewhere.
Saw a pickup with a sign painted on the side that said, "If it's not commercial, we don't need your stinkin' business." Okay. Count me as a non-customer.
I mentioned last week the sack of stale pecans that we put out. Evidently the squirrel got his fill (or they did him in) because he is no longer scurrying about. Now it seems to be the raccoons turn. Every night they bring a load of pecans to the patio, dunk them in the bird bath and leave the water stained dark brown, than leave the shells scattered on the patio for me to step on. Are raccoons good to eat? Just asking.
Something blew out my wireless router settings last week. Took an afternoon and a call to LinkSys to get it going again. Then all the devices that link to it had to be reset. With family visiting, we are up to 21 devices and counting!
Austin regularly gets #1 rankings for this, that or the other. So it was somewhat of a surprise that Forbes Magazine listed America’s coolest city as … Houston? Really? In fact, we're 19th on the list - even Fort Worth (13th) beat us! But there is a silver lining; one measurement criterion is, "The number of people who moved to each of the ranked cities." So if everyone is moving to Houston and the other 18 cities, that's good news as far as I am concerned.
I sat last evening by the side of a creek; one that actually had water flowing in it. While frogs croaked, fireflys blinked, and grandchildren laughed in the swimming pool, I counted my blessings. God is good.
Thanks for reading.

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