Monday, August 13, 2012

Monday Meanderings - 8.13.2012

Finally, here's a health tip that is useful!!
Don't wash your hair in the shower!!!!
I don't know why I didn't figure this out sooner:
  • I use shampoo in the shower
  • When I wash my hair, the shampoo runs down my whole body, and
  • Printed very clearly on the shampoo label is this warning:
No wonder I have been gaining weight! The solution is to get rid of that shampoo and start showering with Dawn dish soap instead. Its label reads,
You're welcome.
Have I mentioned that it's hot? Nothing like last summer, but all the triple-digit rules apply: a parking place in the shade is more important than walking distance; you have to remember that seat belts can brand you, and you are cautious about grabbing car and store door handles.
In addition to the heat, mosquitoes have temporarily driven me from my morning patio time. I thought mosquitoes needed pools of water to thrive. Trust me, there are no pools of water anywhere near my patio; I have no idea where the critters are coming from.
I downloaded one of those Apps this weekend that tracks the food you eat and keeps up with everything so that you can see just where you are on your weight loss program. I must say that I'm doing pretty good; so far I've only eaten my way through next Wednesday.
Well, the 2012 Olympics are over. Thank goodness. Now I can get a break from the TV before football starts.
And when one writer asked his sports-indifferent wife what she liked best about the Olympics, she said, "The closing ceremonies."
I check from time-to-time to see which blog has received the most page views. You may recall that the story of the dude who runs up and down the HEB median led the pack for a long time, but for some reason that is a complete mystery to me, the blog about the set of old 78 rpm phonograph records now has twice as many hits - more than 520, and most are from outside the USA. Who knew?
And this picture raises a couple of questions -
1. Isn't this plane taking off kind of straight up? And...
2. Where was the picture-taker? And for how long?

1 comment:

Barbara said...

I have to say he's been very helpful as I've tried to work on my weight, but also have to admit that I'm taking secret delight at him finding out how many calories all the meals we like are.