Monday, November 12, 2012

Monday Meanderings - 11.12.2012

Darrell K Royal passed away this past week. Even those who don't know much about college football will recognize Coach Royal as a legendary figure in the history of the game, and an Austin icon. Services for Coach Royal will be held in the only building in town large enough to hold the crowd - the Erwin Center.
Even I had an up close and personal moment with the coach. Well, actually, it involved Edith, his wife. Shortly after we moved to Austin we stopped at a Baskin Robbins down on the Drag for some refreshment. As we were leaving, the door got away from me and lightly bumped a woman entering the store with her husband. Yes, I banged the door into Edith Royal. Only later did I realize that if I had injured the woman, we would have had to move. Assuming we were not run out of town first.
All the election hoopla this past week reminded me that for many years my parents volunteered as election officials in my hometown. I recall a story they told about the 1960 Presidential election, when John F. Kennedy had named Lyndon Johnson as his Vice-Presidential running mate. Johnson was already on the ballot, running for re-election to the U. S. Senate (he had Texas law changed to allow him to run for both offices). He was elected to both offices, but according to my folks, one voter marked Johnson out as the Vice-Presidential candidate, marked him out as the Senate candidate, wrote him in, and marked out the write-in!
McRib is back. I have been reading that McDonalds was going to wait and offer the McRib starting in late December, but I guess they realized how badly I was craving me some McRib.
Windy weekend - hard to keep up with the falling pecans. Here's Saturday morning's crop:

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