Friday, November 30, 2012

November Serve Out

Really? Is it really the end of the month again? It seems like I just looked in the bit bucket and drug out the leftovers and now it is time to do it again.

This month's theme can best be described as "I just don't care."

 "Why yes.The sink did back up. Why do you ask?"

 "Honk all you want Sonny! I've got the right-of-way!"

 "What buckles?"

" I always have coffee on the patio. You got a problem?"

I'm not crossing. I'm loitering!"

"I feel so useless."

 "Yes, it is an economy car."

 "We've seen the shuttle before."

 "I'm hangin' with my homies, that's what."

 "One count of faulty muffler, one count of..."

 "Do you know how hard it is to find a place to sit?"

 "I'm NOT standing on the monument."

"We're busy. Don't bother us."

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