Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The Official state...

Among less important considerations, such as Open Carry and Immigration and Kindergarten funding, the folks down at the Capitol building recently focused on adding honey bees and cowboy hats, as well as a few other things, as new Texas state symbols. The American-Statesman covered that and added a few suggestions for other more obvious things the Legislature should consider adding.

1. Official state food: Barbecue. We know the state dish is chili – no argument there – but we should definitely add barbecue as the state food, since no one else does barbecue like Texas.

2. Official state team sport: High school football. While the state’s official sport is the Rodeo, we think it should be expanded to include high school football. I mean, there was even a movie and a TV series about Friday Night Lights. It’s more than just a sport – it’s a culture.

3. Official state word: Y’all. Saw this one coming, didn't y’all?

4. Official state grocery store: H-E-B. If you are a dedicated foodie, or just looking for Whataburger brand spicy ketchup, this is the place. Which brings me to #5:

5. Official state hamburger: Whataburger.  It doesn’t matter that USA Today snubbed Whataburger in its ‘Ultimate Fast Food’ bracket, there are 36,864 reasons why this should be the official state hamburger. Don't even think about voting for that California chain.

6. Official state hairdo: Texas-style big hair. Think Ann Richards.  In fact, Ann once proclaimed an official Big Hair Day in 1993.

7. Official state Autobahn: Stretch of toll road between Austin and San Antonio. The 41-mile stretch of roadway boasts the country’s highest speed limit at 85 mph. Texans do seem to be in a hurry to get places, since the state also holds the nation’s average top speed limits at 78.3 mph, according to a report from

8. Official state ice cream: Blue Bell. I don't care that Blue Bell is currently experiencing a rough time right now; they will bounce back. They still have my vote for official state ice cream. It's like that meme going around on social media right now:
"Let me break this down for the Northerners who can't understand the tragedy of recent events. The Blue Bell recall doesn't men we are down a brand of ice cream. We don't BUY other brands of ice cream. The Blue Bell recall means WE ARE OUT OF ICE CREAM!"
How about it? What other symbols would you add to the list of "The Official state..."?

1 comment:

pat said...

Was just catching up on your last few blogs. Don't stop blogging even though you reached 1000. I really enjoy them.