Thursday, August 23, 2007

"In the end, it's not the Lions and Tigers that get you..."

It’s the gnats!

Don’t know where they came from (SLAP!) but we seem to have inherited a flock of gnats (WHAP!). Or should that be a bevy of gnats? A gniggle of gnats? (SMACK!). Really there only seem to be a few (SLAP!). Certainly nothing anywhere near the size of the colony of flying ants that caused the Pension owner in Prague to exclaim “Mein Gott!”

One never sees them until the evening hours when one (SPLAT!) sits down to read. Then, one or two obnoxious little gnats come around and stay in your face (WHAP!) while you try to read.

So our quiet evenings are punctuated (SMACK!) by the sound of slapping hands (SLAP!) or rapidly closing books (WHAP!). Or (BLAP!) in the case of a paperback book. It seldom does any good (SLAP!), they are exceedingly fast little critters, but every now and then there is the occasional (SPLAT!) followed by GOTCHA! and you know that there is one more good gnat.

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