Wednesday, December 2, 2009

In for the Winter

Last evening was just wretched weather-wise. It was cold and raining hard and totally dreary. What should have been a five-minute stop at the bank turned into twenty; the roads were clogged with traffic so badly you might have been better to turn off the cars and use them for stepping stones.

We were supposed to go to a Lady Longhorns game, but it took no arm twisting whatsoever to hope they did well without us. Heat up some soup, wrap the snuggie tight and pick up a good book.

Now that's what I'm talking about!


pat said...

And this morning it is snowing here even with all the fall leaves are still showing beautiful color.

I think staying home shivering will be enough exercise for today - it's Silver Sneakers day.

Rob said...

Our office let us wear jeans for the "frigid" weather. 36 when I woke up yesterday, 33 today. Not sure what they are going to do when it gets down to 18 Thursday night.

They talked a lot about the weather, but as is so often the case here, much ado about nothing.

pat said...

My excuse melted -the sun came out.

Generous Kitchen said...

my sweet ACU daughter called and said it was "freaking cold, Mama!" She may have picked up a bit of a drawl, but she's still a CA girl at heart!