It is obligatory for bloggers to write a year-end retrospective piece. If you don't, you lose your blog license, or they send all the spam comments to you or something bad happens. That's a fact. And, judging from the other blogs I read that retrospective must be a recap of your own blogginess.
So, cutting right to the chase -- the Retired In Austin blog entry that received the most hits this year is:
Monday Meanderings - Sep 20. This blog is rated "PG"
Followed by:
You can't go home until you pee
We need more cowbell!!
The Adventures of Bob the Dog – the Meat Market Massacre and
I once dated a girl...
Google has a lot to do with blog hits. It's amazing what people search for, and these are some of the search keywords have led people to my blog this year:
retired in austin
phone outages austin texas wednesday september 8 2010
acl fest 2010
breckenridge high school buckaroos
colt and rachel's wedding
jerry gibson breckenridge
robert earl keene (Hop on your Harley - it's ROT Rally)
splat the cat chuy's (now that's a strange combination)
university of texas cowbell
and interestingly enough - watch band calendars.
Counting the number of visitors is a bit of a challenge. I have a couple of sources, but they don't exactly cover the same periods, so I'm extrapolating some (hey, what's a few thousand hits among friends?). As you would expect, the majority of visitors came from the United States - 1,075 of them. But I also had visitors from:
South Korea (82)
Canada (53)
United Kingdom (27)
Brazil (24)
France (23)
Denmark (19)
Italy (18)
Malta (18)
Plus some others that the site meter seems unable to count unless I pay for the premium $ervice.
Far and away more Windows users (1,646) visited than Mac users (496), but some came calling from iPhones, iPads, Blackberrys and one soul was using Playstation 3 to browse the web. Go figure.
As best as I can tell (since I didn't write it down last year) there have been 3,922 page views in 2010. I can't tell how many individual people that actually is -- it may be only 6 loyal friends clicking more than 650 times apiece. Thanks, guys. The check is in the mail.
Oh, and Happy New Year!
Church for Every Context: A Book I Wish Every Minister Would Read
If you’re familiar with any of the blog posts from my sabbatical partly
spent in the UK, then this book by Mike Moynagh explains a big piece of my
8 months ago