Friday, December 10, 2010

Serve Out

Once again, it's time to time to empty out the photo files

These little guys are juice boxes. Clever

Take a long look at this picture and tell me if this is remarkable serendipity, or Photo Shop.

IH-35 in downtown Austin

A doomed relationship.

Pesky Chickadee!

Oh, this is a good idea.

This is not my owl.

Cat or Penguin?

Is this dog named Spot?

Choices, choices.

And the winner of the "Hey, look at this!" award

(Awarded posthumously, I might add)


Julie said...

I'm going with Photoshopped for the birds and the owl hat...and the bears, too. And I'm definitely going to have to start collecting juice boxes for our penguin unit - very cute.

pat said...

I like the juice boxes too!