Monday, May 16, 2011

Monday Meanderings - 5.16.2011

Major difficulties with the site the past few days; lost an entire blog somewhere, so I'll incorporate it into this MM. Blame it on Friday the 13th.

A little rain is worthy of a blog mention. A lot of rain is worthy of an entire blog! Like most places in Texas Austin is dry, dry, dry. No significant rain in months - until Thursday.

It was sprinkling a bit Thursday morning when we set out for Panera Bread. The proper behavior in that circumstance is to ignore the few falling drops. Don't draw any attention to the rain lest it become shy and go away. Panera is not real close, so by the time we were in the vicinity we were referring to the "damp" morning, and by the time we got there we were admitting to the real possibility that we were going to get very wet. And that's when the hail started, so I thought I might want to take a look at the radar. Here's what  I saw: 

See that little red cell sitting right on top of Austin? We were getting hammered by that little guy. See all that stuff to the left? That was on the way.

So we skedaddled toward home, grabbed some egg McMuffins on the way and sat this one out. Well, I did. Barb had to go right back out to run her MOW route, but the worst had passed by then.

When all was said and done we received 2.96 inches of rain Thursday. That brought our total for the year to 3.81 inches. Do you see anything unusual about those figures? Like the fact that Thursday contributed 75% of our total rainfall?

We made a quick trip to Abilene Friday, to attend Jason's graduation ceremony at ACU, where he received a doctoral degree in Ministry. Here's the graduate in all his regalia.

We planned far enough in advance that we had reservations at an actual motel, and that motel served actual food for breakfast. A far cry from when we were in Abilene a year ago at this time

In-N-Out opened in the Dallas area this past week. I'm told that people lined up for hours. Really? For a hamburger?

1 comment:

pat said...

Hooray for the rain, hooray for Jason.