Friday, September 28, 2012

Animal Serve Out

For this month's serve out, I've gathered up all the animal photos that have accumulated in the in box.

Yes! The snack wagon is here! 

Okay, short straw has to get out and fix the flat.

What goes up must come down.

So, how's the wife?

Honest! The last time I saw him was over there. Burrrp!

Nice to meet you!

How 'bout a lift?

I know! I know! Call on me!

Can I see? Can I see?

When I want you to say something, I'll call on you!

Well, gag me!

Aww. For me?

So just give it to her, okay?

Do you mind?

I think the focus is a little soft.

Say cheese!

Why me?


Beat it! It's mine and I'm not sharing!

Oh, for Pete's sake!

Okay, you'll have to come up with your own caption for this one.

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