Monday, January 6, 2014

Monday Meanderings - 1.6.2014

Welcome to the New Year.

History will mark this year for a number of reasons - not the least of which will be that in 2014 it will be legal to sell pot and illegal to sell light bulbs. Go figure.

I, like so many others, made a number of New Year's resolutions. I was doing fine until someone explained that they were not just for New Year's Day; you were expected to keep those resolutions for the entire year. That's just crazy talk.

So the revised list includes taking more naps and watching more bowl games. And stepping on the scale less. After all, resolutions are intended for self improvement, and ahem, if I do say so myself...

Speaking of bowl games, one of the nice benefits they provide is that for the most part one could care less who wins. You simply root for the offense. Or the defense. Or maybe the mascot. Your choice.

This is an interesting time of year for shoppers. The Valentine candy is already on the shelves - right beside all the self-help books and products to help you lose those pounds you added over Christmas and New Year!

This may be the penultimate in dashboard dining. We parked next to a vehicle with lunch all prepared; it doesn't stand out clearly, but there is what appears to be some kind of cheese spread on that king-sized slice of bread. It was a sunny day - maybe they were counting on the sunshine to warm the interior and melt the cheese and toast the bread.

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