Monday, March 31, 2014

Monday Meanderings - 3.31.14

Still playing blanket roulette. My thinking is that we may just play it safe and wait til July or so to take the extra blanket off the bed. In a 24-hour period we have had both the AC and the heater running. Plus, driving back from Silver's Gym the other afternoon I got caught in a 5-minute hail storm. The instant I got the car safely in the garage the hail stopped. No damage that I can tell, but it sure was loud there for a few minutes.

And I may have been wrong about not having a good blue-bonnet season. They were late arriving, but they seem to be coming on strong, and in areas where they normally don't show up.

At some point during our basketball watching on TV this week we saw a commercial encouraging people to sign up for a chance at a free colonoscopy! Makes you wonder what second prize is.

Ran across these "modern" antiques. Raise your hand if you have ever used any or all of these.

1 comment:

pat said...

Have number two and three.