Monday, May 18, 2015

Monday Meanderings - 5.18.2015

I first blogged about Austin's "Running Man" back in 2011. In fact, for a long time and for some unknown reason, that particular post garnered more page views than any other post on this site. I'm happy to report that he's still around, keeping Austin Weird. Except he's more like the hopping man than the running man these days.

He has permanently moved catty-cornered (where did that phrase originate?) from the HEB location to a corner by a Sonic drive-in. There's no grassy strip to run up and down on, so he he just sort of hops up and down now, holding a fake microphone while he sings and raps. Or imitates those who do.

We were dining at Pappadoux's the other day, enjoying a nice fresh fish dinner in a rather upscale restaurant (well, upscale from our standpoint) when I noticed one of the waitstaff gathering up some dishes and perched on the top of the stack was a take-out sack - from In-N-Out.

We were reminded that our first son, as a youngster, never cared for Taco Bell (another of our upscale choices) and insisted that we frequent the Taco Bell location that was next door to a Whataburger. He would go get his hamburger and we would order our tacos. BTW, his tastes changed when he got to college and Taco Bell offered the cheapest meal in town.

Things are grim and getting grimmer for Blue Bell. Word is that folks are posting Craigslist ads offering 1/2 pints of genuine Blue Bell ice cream for as much as $2,000! There are polls on social media asking people if they would continue to buy the product after the recall news. My response is that when the product hits the shelves again it will be the most-inspected, safest product on the market.

Nineteen days until the Women's World Cup in Canada. A soccer junkie's dream.

And  I leave you with a photo appropriately captioned: "Meals on Wheels."

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