Monday, August 1, 2016

Monday Meanderings - 8.1.2016

Usually when you get stuck in a check-out line, it's because they need a price check, or there are credit card problems or some such. The other day in Central Market we got stuck behind a guy who was trying to buy, among other things, several cartons of some kind of fancy water. The register rejected the water purchase, however, because the product had been recalled. At this point most of us would say, "Okay - no water for me." But this guy wanted to know why it had been recalled.

They finally got hold of a manager who explained that the cartons were not sealed properly and glass bottles of water were prone to drop out of the bottom of said faulty carton. The water itself, it seemed, was okay to drink. So the guy insisted he would be careful and could they please go ahead and sell him the water?  To make a short story long, no. No, they couldn't. But they tried. And tried. And tried. Barb and I are thinking at this point, "Just give the dude the silly water and let's get on with it!"

I'm guessing that this means my chances of winning $1000 are zero. Nil. Bumpkus.

This was bulk pick-up week in ATX, when the city hauls off all that stuff that won't fit in your garbage can. Like the ginormous hot tub that the family down the street dragged to the curb. This week is also called "junk relocation week" because there are a lot of items that go in the back of cars and trucks before the city gets around to them. Like the small bookshelf that looked like it would just fit that space by Barb's desk, but didn't, so it ended back on the curb again, but that's okay because someone else might want it.

The items put out for bulk pick-up seem to have a pattern to them. Right after Christmas, there were lots of couches and recliners on the curb. This week the trend was for shelves, cabinets and mattresses. And TVs, but only the huge rear-projection types.

1 comment:

pat said...

Around here something put on the curb doesn't usually stay all day. One time we were still in the process of putting out a dishwasher when a guy stopped and asked about it.
Fortunately those things on the curb don't come to my house anymore!