Monday, December 12, 2016

Monday Meanderings - 12.12.2016

We "winterized" this past week. In between a long stretch of rain and a cold front we had about 4 hours of pleasant sunshine, so Barb gave all the outside plants their winter haircuts and brought them indoors, and I put covers on the outdoor faucets. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. Of course, it seldom does here in ATX. More often it just ices over, but nobody writes songs about that.

Interesting conversation with Marty, one of the managers at the Chuy's we frequent. He was somewhat in awe of the amount of take-out business they do at that location. We regularly see the food delivery services, such as Eat Out In, lined up to pick up orders, but had not given it much thought. Marty said that they do "thousands of dollars in take-out" on a regular baasis.

This is different than catering, which they do not do. Either folks use the delivery service, or pick it up themselves. Marty said that they made up appetizers and entrees for a wedding recently, with service for 120 people. Huh. Who knew?

In a place like Austin, you often encounter historical markers and plaques on houses and buildings. Here's one we saw the other day:

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