Monday, January 16, 2017

Monday Meanderings - 1.16.2017

We begin with late-breaking news hot off the neighborhood news feed:

Urgent Alert
Keep an eye out for suspicious man in orange shirt picking up pecans. No underwear and pants below his knees.

I should point out that this does not describe our Vietnamese lady who diligently picked up pecans all over the neighborhood this season. And I might add that I doubt this guy is going to be able to outrun the cops.

Can't remember which holiday we are celebrating today, but grateful that I don't have to go to work today. Oh, wait! Bwahhaahaa!

Following up on the clock story from last Wednesday; what is billed as an 8 day clock - as in needs winding every 8 days - is turning out to be more nearly a 4 day clock. Why, yes. It does need cleaning.

And I finally was able to find a key with a very skinny barrel - small enough to fit the tiny hole that allows the clock to be adjusted for fast/slow time-keeping. Previously losing about 5 minutes a day (see cleaning, above) I am slowly bringing it into a more accurate "beat." It's a slow process. You make tiny adjustments and then wait a half-day or more to see what difference you have made.

I mentioned that a chime every 15 minutes has made me acutely conscious of the passing of time; trying to regulate the clock has made me paranoid about the accuracy of all the clocks in the house. I keep checking them in relation to the time on my phone (which is accurate to the micro-second) and find them all wanting. Or over-achieving.

We could discuss discuss the weather over the past week, but hey - a 19 to 82 degree swing is just so Texas, there's not much else to say about it.

Neighboring Leander Police Department used Facebook recently to “introduce” followers to a “red and white sign that says ‘STOP' and helpfully defines the word “stop” as to “cease all movement.”
The post also encourages citizens to ask questions “if you are confused on how to handle an encounter with these signs,” or else officers will “introduce” themselves to you and help clarify. I'm sure that if they ever erect any such signs in Austin we might need such basic instruction as well.

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