Monday, January 2, 2017

Monday Meanderings - 1.2.2017

Ha! I got the year right on my first try. Happy New Year to each of you and yours. It has been really interesting to see the overwhelming desire to put this year behind us and move on to what, hopefully, will be a better time.

Barb and I enjoyed our usual boisterous New Year's Eve - sitting quietly at home, listening to the neighbors defy the no-fireworks-in-city-limits ordinance. I actually was still up at midnight and marveled at the quantity and efficacy of the neighbor's pyrotechnics.

After a 5-year hiatus, I got behind the sound board for a wedding this past weekend. Attrition has brought about a dearth of sound guys at our church, so I have been filling in as needed for the programs, funerals, and yes, weddings. It was sort of like riding a bicycle; not much has changed in the overall wedding process (with the exception of the couples who - during the recessional - stopped to take selfies) so, it was no big deal.

Once again, my #1 guideline for a successful wedding was confirmed. No. Children. The little flower-petal dude was more than reluctant during the rehearsal - someone should have figured it out then. Sure enough, he absolutely refused to strew his petals down the aisle. Instead, he dumped them all in a pile, then mom had to carry him the rest of the way. At least he didn't have to stand with the attendants on the stage.

My #2 guideline is directed to whoever is running the sound  (that would be me, in this case). Don't let anyone wearing a microphone touch the mute or on/off buttons. I let the groom talk me into his controlling his mute button. I knew better. I just got tired of arguing with the kid. Oh well - he has to explain to his new bride why their vows didn't get recorded, not me.

Happy New Year. So far, so good.

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