Monday, March 30, 2009

Monday Meanderings

How did people do home repairs without the Internet? And Google? If your treadmill quits going up and down and the incline buttons do weird things, you just try various search combinations until someone points you to and there you learn that most incline problems are solved by "calibrating the incline doohicky" and then it tells you how to do it by pushing a few buttons and shazam it works now! Sweet!

And that's where I learned how to read the treadmill odometer - the hours and miles logged. Our treadmill has been used for 499 hours and we have walked 995 total miles on it. Not too shabby for a 1-year old treadmill. Oh, did I leave a zero out? Well, zeros are insignificant anyway.

You know, I think that if I'm going to get this baking bread thing down, I'm going to have to learn the difference between a teaspoon and a tablespoon. But I come by that honestly, thinking back to a batch of my father's muffins.

And I must stop the late-night snacking; it leads to bizarre dreams. Like the other night when I dreamed UT and Oklahoma were playing football and UT scored in the waning moments to give them a 112 to 60 lead. But they missed the 2 point conversion. Stoops was out on the field, he was so livid about the 2-point try.


Julie said...

Yes, of course! The garlic muffins! Somewhere along the road in West Texas there were once some birds who thought they had come across a tasty snack...

pat said...

Was reading my AARP bulletin last night and came across a site called, where volunteer techies provide free fix-it advice for common breakdowns of gadgets, electronics and other products. Thought I would put that in my This 'N That file.