Monday, May 13, 2013

Monday Meanderings - 5.13.2012

Rain! Oh, my! It was so nice to hear it really, really raining Friday night. Doesn't put us anywhere near out of the drought, but wonderful to get.

The big news in Lake Woebegone is that the Pres came to town this past week. Normally he comes here for fund-raiding events, but this time ostensibly the reason was to spotlight some things that Texas was doing right in the area of technology. It must have galled him to promote Texas, because Governor Goodhair says the reason the economy is so good here is that we do the exact opposite of what the Obama Administration wants done.

Of course, whenever he shows up they shut down all the traffic within miles. His first visit was to nearby Manor (which we pronounce "MAIN-er," but the TV newscasters pronounced "MAN-er" all day) to a technology magnet school. Then, to his credit, he stopped at Stubb's for a little BBQ. I think more highly of the man than I did.

Speaking of good things to eat, the Peach Shakes are back at Chik-Fil-A. Barb and I shared one the other day. It had been over-filled and when we got it to the table a bunch was running down the sides of the container. I don't know why Barb got so upset over me lapping it up off the table - a Chik-Fil-A Peach Shake is not something you want to go to waste! Only problem with them is that sometimes the chunks of peach are awfully hard to suck through the straw. One could pass out from the strain of trying to get that good stuff up the straw!

Had an iPad crisis last night. I had removed some programs that I didn't use, then re-started the iPad to clean up and consolidate things. Unfortunately the device got hung up on the little silver Apple logo (which I have since learned is called the "Apple screen of death.") Tried all the tricks and multiple button-pushes listed in the Apple Support forums to no avail, so I made an appointment at the Genius Bar and set it aside to recharge. Grumble, snarl, gripe!  But as I was getting ready for bed, I checked and everything was up and running. Nice Machine!

I think it was Dr. Ian Malcom, in Jurassic Park that said, "Nature will find a way."

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