Monday, August 19, 2013

Monday Meanderings - 8.19.2013

I have adapted to the idea that when one wants water to come forth from the faucet in a public restroom, one places his hands beneath the faucet and waits for the motion detector to kick in. Same with the soap dispenser. And if you want paper towels with which to dry one's hands, one waves said hands in front of the towel dispenser. Now I have encountered the motion-detector waste basket lid. Want to dispose of the paper towels? Wave them above the container lid. Open Sesame.

I am picturing a scenario where some one walks by the towel dispenser and accidentally dispenses a length of paper towel. Which sets off the waste basket lid. Which triggers the towel dispenser. Which...  So, if you ever walk into a restroom overflowing with paper towels and the waste basket lid going clang, clang, clang, you will know what happened. It could happen.

There is a feature on my Google App that I seldom use; there are "cards" at the bottom that you can swipe into active mode and they will convey some bit of information you may be looking for. About the only thing I ever use this feature for is to check some ball scores, but I noticed the other day a little map captioned "7 minutes to work Light traffic on I-35 N" And there was a little map of my route to Silver's Gym. Another little map said "15 minutes from home. Light traffic on I-35 S." Google is tracking where I go most often (5 or 6 trips a week to Silver's and 2 trips a week to the recording studio) and checking on traffic on those routes! Who needs the NSA? Just check with Google.

Alas! No more peach shakes at Chik-Fil-A. Thank goodness.

 We are seeing astounding displays of a couple of ornamental plants that obviously thrive in dry, hot conditions. One is the Pride of Barbados with unusual orange-red blossoms, tinged with gold, and the other is the Esperanza, a showy bush with yellow, bell-shaped flowers. Most everything else has wilted, but these two continue to delight.

And I leave you with this thought...
"Why does Sea World have a seafood restaurant? I'm halfway through my fish burger and I realize: Oh my God.... I could be eating a slow learner!" - Lynda Montgomery

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