Monday, August 17, 2015

Monday Meanderings - 8.17.2015

There was a time when one spent a free day cleaning out the garage, or going through closets, weeding out the Goodwill items. It is a sign of the times that such a day is now spent cleaning out the iPhones and iPads. Updating the operating system, killing all those apps that you once thought neat but haven't opened in 2 years, moving all the icons because there are holes where those deleted apps used to be, going through all the remaining apps to get rid of unwanted notifications and location tracking. Phew! What's this? Apple just released the next update to the operating system? Aargh!

Did you know that if you are gawking when you drive across the Golden Gate Bridge it is very possible that you will sail right past the exit that leads you straight to your destination in San Jose? If this happens the alternative is to wander a bit in downtown San Francisco. Okay, wander a lot. However, unlike the trip when we tried to rely on the Blond GPS lady, the Google Maps phone app led us out of the maze with ease and without a single "Recalculating."

I can't say as much for printed Google directions. On our drive from Fresno to Sonoma County, carefully following those printed turn-by-turn directions resulted in our being abruptly dumped deep into the California Maritime Academy campus in Vallejo. Go figure.

Based on the paltry dried husks the pecan tree dropped earlier in the summer, it appeared that this would be an off year, pecan-wise. That's normal - pecan trees usually produce in every-other-year cycles. However, every morning the squirrels sit in the tree, gnawing on green pecans and dropping the husks onto the roof.

I think they do it just to annoy me - there's plenty of tree not overhanging the roof where they can sit and drop shells, but they much prefer right over my head. And there are a lot more pecans up there than I expected. Unless the squirrels eat them all.

American Statesman headline of the week: "Sex assault suspect arrested after holding tortoise ransom." I'm not even going to speculate.

And you will be glad to hear that in Austin it is now illegal to use bullhooks on your elephants. I love this town.

1 comment:

pat said...

And every now and then there is this big thump on the roof like the squirrel fell out of the pecan tree along with the half-eaten pecans.