I pushed and pulled and prodded, but the door was down and wasn't going anywhere and the motor was on, but wasn't moving anything. Hmmm. Okay, my choice was climb up there and see if it was anything I thought I could fix, or call someone. There was a coupon on the front of the new phone book offering $50 off on a service call (was that a sign?) but I figured if they were giving $50 off, the final bill was going to be a dilly. Soooo...
Well, to make a long story short, see if you can diagnose my problem. Hint: the new part is on the left.
When I opened up the housing, it looked like it was snowing there was so much nylon dust ground up in there. Sears had the part (but you had to order the entire gear kit) and it took only one trip to Home Depot (if you need a 5/32 punch, I have a barely used one) and we had to get out and open the door manually for the week it took to get the part, but the total cost was less than the discount coupon amount.
Maybe I should think about supplementing my retirement income by repairing garage door openers. Oh, wait. There is the part about not being able to get out of bed the next morning because of all those trips up and down the ladder.
Never mind.
See, what you need to do is fill your garage up with so much stuff that you rarely need to even _open_ the garage door at all. It's great for the gears - keeps them good as new! :)
Glad this wasn't the kind that you get your arm tangled up in and get severely injured like preacher Jim. Made for some very interesting sermons while he was in extreme pain.
Been at the lake seeing the New Year in with some of the kids, grands and greats, therefore haven't responded to the Cousin's Christmas.
What category will a flashlight with a skull head - one that can be turned on by inserting batteries and turned off by taking them out - fit in for future themes?
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