Monday, November 25, 2013

Monday Meanderings - 11.25.2013

Well, the news around these parts is the weather, of course. That's probably true where you are, as well. Our poor HVAC system didn't know what to do; when we went to bed Friday night the air conditioning was running; When we got up, the heat was on. It's interesting to note that some fans at the Formula One race last weekend had to be treated for overheating. I'm pretty sure the Circuit of the Americas people are really happy their race was last weekend and not this.

The forecast calls for a wintery mix of freezing precipitation; rain, sleet, and dare I say it, snow. We assured our waitstaff friend at Chuy's (who moved to Texas to get away from snowy winters) that it seldom snows here. Hope I didn't jinx it for her.

Speaking of snow, I once had an employee who had moved here from Rochester Minnesota and she was really curious about the traffic delineaters glued to the roadways here - those reflective blocks and rubber buttons stuck down to mark lanes and such. She wondered what happened to them when the snow plows came along. I assured her that it was not a problem.

We have enjoyed a very colorful Fall this year - the leaves have been as pretty as we have seen them in some time; lots of golds and yellows and some reds. However, after this last front blew through it looks like they are all brown and down at this point. Interestingly, we still had a half-dozen green tomatoes on the one remaining vine. They are now ripening on the window sill.

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