Monday, October 13, 2014

Monday Meanderings - 10.13.2014

Looked out Friday morning and this bad boy was sitting on top of one of the bird feeders.
When I tried to get a picture he flew a few feet away to the utility wire. This shot doesn't provide a good perspective; this bird is more than 2 feet long! A Red-shouldered Hawk, I believe. Formidable-looking as he might seem, a gang of Jays chased him away a few minutes later.

Guy on the corner was flying a sign that said, "Need fuel for the space ship back to Mars." From the looks of him, he might be right.

In a recent John Sandford book, a character was described as "needing a fresh Chapstick for every time he read. Without Chapstick his lips got cracked and chapped."

I now get texts from my bank informing me of my current balance. That's okay, but I wish they didn't add "LOL" to the end of every text.

And I noticed a product at my local Walmart that I didn't even know I needed.

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