Monday, October 20, 2014

Monday Meanderings - 10.20.2014

The news from Fangorn Forest is good this week; no major limbs fell on our heads (knock on wood - uh, wait!). My fear was that we were losing that pecan tree, since it seemed to be divesting itself of limbs at an alarming rate. I finally called an expert and Andy Arborist came out and checked everything out. He said that the tree was quite healthy - if it were not, it wouldn't be loaded with so many pecans. He blamed the breakage on the timing of periods of drought followed by good rains. And once it drops all its pecans we should be out of the woods. Heh heh.

If there is anything I like better than food at Chuy's it's free food at Chuy's. Our regular waitperson was vacationing in Maui this past week (maybe I'm over-tipping?) and we got Billy Beginner. After a long, long wait, the manager came by and told us that they discovered that Billy placed our order in the "training mode" which meant it never went to the kitchen, so our late-arriving meal was on the house. I'm good with that.

I have mentioned before that I find it odd that most gyms and fitness centers put all the heavy cardio equipment on the second floor. That's certainly the case at Silver's Gym, and the other day some guy right in the middle of the upper floor, on the edge overlooking the weight area, had his treadmill in warp mode. He was pounding it, and the floor was shaking so badly I had to hold on to the rail to cross to my treadmill. I kept thinking that when the floor collapsed I would be on top of those poor souls below - but under a treadmill!

Barb had a blind woman come by the other day and take measurements and then Friday a blind guy came by and installed...blinds. Okay, no more, I promise. Over the years we have had various window treatments - woven woods, shutters, shades, curtains, even some blinds, but now we have nicely coordinated matching wooden blinds in all our windows. I'm really liking the open view, but there is some discussion going on as to openness vs. privacy. I maintain that don't wander around in my unawares that much, but Barb's pretty insistent. She may be onto something.

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