Friday, January 29, 2010

Testing the retirement waters

For the last two weeks I've played hooky from work. From the standpoint of work for me specifically, it has been slow since before Christmas. It will pick up again once the client refocuses on the project, but in the meantime I decided to go home and play retired. And it has been nice; maybe a little too nice. I could get used to this.

But it has not been without its moments. Barb and I are still working out the finer points of my being home all day. For example, one wants to avoid - at all costs - the appearance that one has nothing to do all day except play on the computer.  I can make a case that working crossword puzzles is a recommended form of mental exercise, needed to keep the brain working and agile. Plus you never know when it will be important to know that  a goose found commonly in Hawaii is the Nene. On the other hand, playing solitaire or free cell is difficult to disguise as anything but killing time.

Secondly, it is imperative that one does not look on ones spouse as a social director, or arbiter of meals. For example, it is MUCH preferable to say, "I'm thinking I would like to go to IHOP for breakfast this morning. Would you like to do that?" rather than say, "What's for breakfast?"

And if there are chores to do around the house it is wise to realize that you are home without a frazzling thing to do and not at the office all day so pitch in, brother!

I just wish I had thought of that myself.

I mean, carried to extreme measures one finds oneself out trimming trees and bushes and cleaning up some vine-infested areas at the side of the house and actually doing physical labor! That's just not right.

So, when the phone rings and it is your boss asking if you "could come in this afternoon for a project, and oh by the way I'm going to need you next week" just remember: it is not good judgment to pump your fist and shout YESSSS!


pat said...

You are hilarous!!!

pat said...

H'm my spell check didn't pick up my misspelling of hilarious - but you are!

Barbara said...

Even if your spouse is hiding in the other room, pumping her fist and saying "YES!"

Cynthia Agnell said...

Barbara beat me to my comment, so enjoy your time at work. However, if things get slow again come on over. Bill could use your help trimming bushes, moving furniture and cleaning the garage. I, on the other hand, don't need any help playing Free Cell.

C. Wright said...

Too lfunny, Bob!

C. Wright said...

Still getting use to this new keyboard and the wrong keys keep getting in the way!