Monday, October 3, 2011

Monday Meanderings - 10.3.2011

Knock! Knock! Knock!

That's the sound of me knocking on wood. Maybe, just maybe, Austin has seen its 90th - and last - day with temperatures in three digits for the year. There was a movie once called "The Long Hot Summer," from the book of the same name by William Faulkner, starring Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward. It was a great movie, but I did not enjoy seeing it daily. Every day. For 90 days. Twenty-seven of them consecutively. Then again, it has been more than 100 degrees in Austin as late as October 2nd. And as early as February! Moving to Montana soon.

The other day a large pile of household belongings appeared in the driveway of a house up the street. What looked at first like a garage sale soon took on the appearance of an eviction; evidently not of all the residents - just one. Worthless Husband? Shiftless Son? Deadbeat Border? Hard to tell. Stay tuned.

Good gumbo is back! I told you that our favorite source of good gumbo had gone out of business when the owners, husband and wife, dissolved the partnership and marriage in a murder-suicide. Ugh! The other day we noticed that what had been Mama Roux's is now French Quarter Grill, owned and operated by former employees, as it turns out. I confess that it was a little spooky eating there, knowing the circumstances, and when I asked about the new ownership it was obvious that the waitress was a bit uncomfortable discussing it, but the gumbo there is worth a lot of discomfort. Believe you me!

On the news the other night they were showing this snazzy new BMW motorcycle all decked out with all the gear necessary to make it a mobile EMS unit. Livestrong donated the bike with the idea that it could maneuver in traffic more easily than the big units, thus providing faster response. Barb and I decided that it was a good idea, but when it came to transporting people back to the hospital, she thought she would want to wait for one of the more traditional vehicles. No sense of adventure, I say. When we were in El Salvador we noticed that small Toyota pickups were the EMS vehicles of choice, with patients transported in the open bed of the pickup. A Medical School Director with us saw a wonderful opportunity to cut back on next year's budget.

And speaking of traffic, once again Austin has earned a top spot in another poll; this time for worst traffic in the nation! Yes, for the second year in a row, researchers at Texas A&M University say we have the third worst traffic congestion in THE ENTIRE COUNTRY! Only places worse are Los Angeles and the Washington, D.C. area. Austin is tied with New York City and the San Francisco Bay area. Sorry Dallas and Houston. You lose. However, this is a study by A&M. Could it just be sour grapes because they now get to be Baylor in the SEC?

And while we are on the subject of football -

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