Monday, October 31, 2011

Monday Meanderings -10.31.2011

I got my first Halloween fright the other night. The first political TV commercial of the season.  Scary.

So after Barb saying she could live with a St Louis Series win, she decided in retrospect that she was wrong about that.

A couple of blogs back, I visited some improbable obituaries. My daughter, for some reason I cannot fathom, commented that she thought I might be making some of that up. Now I ask you - do you take me for the sort of person that would fabricate... oh, never mind. But here, here is a made-up obituary:
Waldo, 36, is missing and presumed dead. “We Gave up looking for him years ago.” Said a spokesman for a local search team. “In the past we’d scour the earth, but every time we’d find him he’d take off again. Finally, we put his picture on a mild carton and said the hell with it.” Other reactions were mixed.” It was a case of sibling rivalry,” said Carmen Sandiego a half-sister. “Waldo tried to outdo me by hiding in shopping malls and outdoor rock concerts. These had no educational value, so it’s no wonder people stopped caring.” “The little deadbeat owed us for 20,000 tasseled caps, said a spokesman for the Acme Headgear Co. “Now we’re filing for bankruptcy, thanks to him.” A memorial service for Waldo will be held at 11 a.m. tomorrow at an unspecified location. Those wishing to attend will have to find it for themselves.

Article in the paper the other day about a Bastrop resident who lost her home in the fires trying to cancel her satellite TV service, since she obviously didn't need it at the moment. The service rep was insistent that the customer must return the satellite, converter box and cable to the company. The customer kept asking "What part of the house burned down do you not understand." I could make a fortune and benefit mankind in general if I could write an app for your phone that would bop stupid people in the head at the press of a button. Of course, it would only work in one direction. Of course.

Every time I see one of those big TxDot highway signs that says "Missing Elderly" I check the license plate to make sure I'm not the guy who wandered off. You never know.

You know I likes me some coffee on the patio of a morning, but I am to the point that the evening is just not complete without that wonderful cup of decaf. Here's an unpaid plug for Community Coffee out of Louisiana (unpaid, but if some corporate social media VP at Community wants to reward me... Just saying...). Try the Cafe Special, available in both decaf and leaded at most major grocers. Use a little more coffee than you might be used too. Oh, and their tea is superb as well.

And a very scary Halloween to you.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Our car always gets tickled at the "Missing" signs because it appears that there is a missing elderly Oldsmobile, or a missing elderly Honda. We worry that the Oldsmobile or Honda will find their way home. But you're right... I guess it's not a bad idea to check your own license plate...