Friday, January 14, 2011

The Adventures of Bob the Dog - On the Lam in LAX

The beginning of  Bob the Dog's adventures can be found here.
Things had been pretty quiet on the Bob front - no news since his last email while on the road as a traveling Faith Healer and Evangelist. I was feeling fortunate about that until...

You may have seen the recent news blurb about security having to evacuate one of the terminal buildings at Los Angeles International. That sort of thing happens fairly often these days, so I didn't pay a lot of attention to the item, until I got this text message:

From Bob- need name of gud lawyer asap

Uh Oh. I texted back:

From me - I don't know any lawyers, good or otherwise, What's up?

From Bob - in lax on lam from tsa. closng in

From me - My advice is surrender and go quietly.

From Bob - 2 late. already bit 2 coppers. hidng in bag hndling

From me - What happened???

From Bob - tsa wnted to look at me prvate parts on porno xray

From me - Bob. You're a dog. You don't even wear pants!

From Bob - its the princple. protestd so they begn to pat me down. thts when i bit em & nicked off

I texted back my previous advice, that he should turn himself in, but there was no reply. It's been more than 24 hours and I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. At least there hasn't been anything on the news. Yet.

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