Monday, December 31, 2012

Monday Meanderings - 12.31.2012

The Mayans notwithstanding, we have reached the conclusion of 2012. All told, it wasn't too bad a year - some setbacks, some new aches and pains, but any year-end reached is a good year-end. As is our custom, we plan to ring in the new year with some outrageous, over-the-top partying. lasting till New Years, or bedtime, whichever comes first.

Last day of the year also brings a birthday for Barb; her dad was super excited for a last-second tax deduction. This also means that Barb is officially older than me, for six months. I get a lot of mileage out of joking that I married an older woman. She is not amused, if you were wondering.

I ordered an Apple product as a birthday gift for Barb. The shipping notification said it would arrive about 10:30am on Wednesday. I tracked it from Shanghai China to Anchorage Alaska to Newark New Jersey to Memphis Tennessee to Austin Texas and it arrived...
Christmas week was a fun time with a couple of Santa believers at our house this year. Well, one believer for sure; the older of the two may only have been going along for the fun of it.

With a bowl win, the Longhorns ended up with a semi-adequate season. The Cowboys, as always, ended up like.... well, like the Cowboys. Really need to find another team to root for.

I pray the new year brings you many blessings.

1 comment:

pat said...

Like the new format.