Monday, September 1, 2014

Monday Meanderings - 9.1.2014

And a good Labor Day to you.

In times past, this was the day that marked the beginning of the school year. These days, however, school has been in session for some for a week or even 2. It does cause me to think back on our own kids first days of school: the anxiety, the tears, the not letting go. No, the kids were fine. I'm talking about me.

Barb subtly mentioned, again, that with school starting, AISD needed 50 more crossing guards. Hint, hint.

One of my fellow readers at Learning Ally is Australian, hailing from an obscure little gold-mining town named Gympie. The other day I was reading an article in the Smithsonian Magazine about little things that can kill you - poisonous snails, deadly jellyfish, and a stinging nettle called Gympie Gympie, found only in Australia. I asked my friend about the connection, and he confirmed that his hometown was named after the aboriginal name for this plant, but since the town was so small, they didn't have room for both parts of the name on the sign. I think he was pulling my leg, mate.

This past week was another scheduled bulk pick-up by the Austin Resource Recovery (think trash men). There seems to be a cycle of the objects that get kicked to the curb. A while back it was couches and recliners; this time old TVs and shelves and cabinets seemed to dominate.

Keeping Austin weird.  We met a guy coming out of the Omelettry the other day - full beard, wild hair, ankle-length dress. Gotta love this town.

Keeping Austin even weirder. Goodwill found a human skull in a box of donated goods this week. While there does not appear to be foul play involved, the police would like to chat with whoever dropped off said skull.

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