Monday, February 28, 2011

Monday Meanderings 2.28.2010

Happy hour at the Seaside Motel and Condominium (Pets OK) begins every evening at 5pm, when the occupants of  #207  bring out a board about 3 feet long and hook it to the wooden railing that goes around the perimeter. Folks start showing up bringing, chips, dips, pastries and whatever beverage they prefer and stand around and visit. I don't know if these people are traveling together, if they are Winter Texans, or just know a good social occasion when they see one. The serving board, seemingly made to fit that rail, suggests they have been at this a while. Interesting.

Alas, the best Gumbo anywhere is no more, and that's not the greatest tragedy. We were stunned to see on the news that the couple that owned the Mama Roux New Orleans Cafe both died in an apparent murder-suicide! Sort of makes it seems petty to whine about no more good gumbo under those circumstances.

Taxi seen on the streets of Port A had the usual lighted sign on top - but interestingly, it read "Intaxicated." I don't know if that means you should call this taxi when you are in that state, or if that is the state of the cab driver.

Item on the news about brides choosing funeral homes as the location for their weddings. We thought that strange, but one funeral director cleared things up when he stated, "There's not much difference between weddings and funerals." He said it - I didn't.

And Jon Acuff of "Stuff Christians Like" said a friend of his was keeping the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue right by his side, " he would know who to pray for, and have their... faces right at hand to help him remember.

And what do you think the odds are of rolling into Nixon, Texas (pop. 2,138) on a Sunday afternoon and finding someone to repair a rapidly deflating tire? Turns out, pretty good. The guys at Villasenor Tire Service #3 had us back on the road in minutes.

And here's why marrying a good speller is important:


pat said...

Oak Steert. That is my good laugh to start the day.

Jason Locke said...

Okay - "Oak Street" was a laugh out-louder. And did he say that his wife was attacked by a _warthog_?

Bob said...

Warthog it is. Phacochoerus africanus, "African Lens-Pig" is a wild member of the pig family that lives in Africa. Sort of makes you doubt the veracity of this little clip, doesn't it?